Sustainable Urban Development

Urban Development
A unique expertise to develop and implement
sustainable urban strategy and sustainable urban projects
To plan, design, finance and build a sustainable urban project is one of the more complex and challenging activity. It requires to have an integrated technical approach on attributes as different as building, transportation, energy, waste, water or green open spaces to develop the right synergies.

It requires as well to have a consistent thinking at the different scales of the building, district and city to have an urban project connected in a sustainable and effective way to its urban context.

Thanks to our great experience in developing sustainable urban projects in Indonesia for the central Indonesian government ( Ministry of Public Works and Social Housing, Ministry of Urban Planning, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Finance) with cities and regencies as Bandung, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Wonosobo or Mataran, and with institutions as ADEME (French Agency for Energy and Environment Managament) or AFD ( French Agency for Development), we have gained a unique expertise in sustainable urban development.
A sustainable urban project, it is also a shared vision between the different stakeholders as the inhabitants, the political decision makers, the city departments or the real estate developers.
Whatever it is in term of regulation, urban planning, urban design, urban development corporation, or inhabitants participation; whatever it is for projects of few hectares to projects of few hundred hectares, we can provide you the best support to develop your urban strategy or your urban projects.