Office & Data Center
Projects: Programming
You will find here under some key project references on Programming.
For more information and references, please contact us.
Office and Data Center
Amiens - France
French Inter-hospital cooperation body (MiPih)
GFA 6000 m2 - Delivery 2018
Programing and Environmental concept
Data Center concept
HQE Environmental certification
MiPih is in charge of the development of the "digital and shared medical file", where all the health actors can access. The realization of such a service requires the establishment of multiple Data Centers (8 MW IT), the first of series is this project in Amiens, France. Service continuity requirements are high, with consequences for buildings and systems. The project also benefits from HQE certification for its quality design.
GreenBuilding has developed the program and technical concepts to ensure these technical and environmental targets.
International School - Jakarta - Indonesia
Lycée Français de Jakarta - LFJ
800 students - GFA 15500 m2 - Delivery : stand by
Feasability study - Budgeting - pre programming
Envrionmental and Energy strategy
The existing LFJ in Cipete can not be extended and will have to be partially demoslihed at mid term as the province of Jakarta DKI will build a new road.
Different potential lands have been analysed to see how to integrate in a sustainable manner the new LFJ with the objectives to have a high environmental campus able to deliver to 800 students pedagogic excellence from the kindergarden to the high school with all facilities as restaurant, swimming pools, gymnase, soccer field, or auditorium. The feasibility study and pre programming has been developed to provide the best quality of life to the students and professors. The urban context has been analysed to guaranty the safety and a smooth access to road or futur public transportation.
CAF Headquarters - Strasbourg - France
French Family Allowance Agency (CAF)
GFA 8000 m2 - Delivery 2016
Project management
HQE certification management
The headquarters of the Allocation Fund Bas Rhin is currently installed in dilapidated premises, which in addition no longer correspond to a tertiary mode of operation with many areas accessible to the public. The CAF decided to build a new headquarters that would meet the expectations and requirements of all users (visitors, recipients, employees. In addition, this building must have a high environmental performance, along with a high level of comfort and quality of life
GreenBuilding Developped the program of the project, based on the client' and users' needs, managed the project from the needs definitions until the handover, and ensured all requirements from HQE certification have been met.
Research and Training Center
Bali - Indonesia
Indonesian Ministry of Ficheries
GFA 3500 m2 - Delivery 2014
Programming - Project management
Environmental and Energy concept and design
The Indonesian Ministry of Fisheries needed a world class research and training center in Bali in the field of Spatial Oceanography. The building has been developed to optimize the flows and to control the access to confidential areas such as the data center. Strong analysis has been developed to increase the quality of education by providing high comfort, health and environmental performance (60% energy savings ).
GreenBuilding developped the environnemental and energy concepts, to ensure an energy consumption reduced by 60% compared with standard buildings in Indonesia.
Social housing & community nursery
Paris - France
Public Office for Housing (OPH)
GFA 4400 m2 - Delivery 2014
Programming - Project management -Environmental concept
Clamart Habitat has decided to launch an ambitious construction program for 40 social housing units and a community nursery in the heart of Clamart. The project is strongly constrained by the planning, consequence of a need for relocation of the renters, the complexity of the plot and its location in the heart of the city. This does not mean that Clamart Habitat has reduced its requirements for environmental performance, comfort and quality of life. GreenBuilding developed the program from the customer's needs, managed the project from the program to the handover and defined the environmental profile.
Sport & Multifunctions - Orgeval - France
City of Orgeval
GFA 3000 m2 - Delivery 2019
Programming - Project management
Environmental and Energy Strategy
The city of Orgeval wants to be equipped with a new superstructure for multifunction activitiy. The main activity will be sport with the possibility to host high level competion. The other activity will be more focussed on social and culltural event as music or theatre.
Specialized Hospital - Sens - France
Specialized Hospital Center of Yonne Region
GFA 4500 m2 - Delivery 2018
Project Management
Enviromental concept
The Specialized Hospital Center of Yonne wants to regroup its entities dispersed in Sens, in a single hospital. Therefore GreenBuilding has been in charge of the project management since the very beginning of the project definition until the construction handover, to ensure that the budget and timing will be met. Also GreenBuilding did develop the program based on the hospital's needs and developped the environmental concept.